We would love for you to be a part of all of the great things we are doing in our Kids Ministry at Mountain View! Here are some of the ways you can get involved!
Sunday Mornings
- We have Sunday School classes for ages 4 through 6th grade! We meet at 9:30AM!
- Nursery is available for ages 0-3 during Sunday School and the church service at 10:30am.
- We have Children’s Church for 2-3 Year Olds in the Nursery starting at 10:30AM!
- We have Children’s Church classes for 1st through 6th grade kids, and for Pre-K / Kindergarten. We dismiss these classes during the Worship service, after the Family Altar Prayer Time.
Wednesday Evenings
- From September through May, we have B.L.A.S.T. (Bible Learning and Sharing Together) where kids from age 4-6th grade have fun and learn about God! Class is from 7-8pm.
Summer Camps
- Every summer (usually in July), we have Vacation Bible School. Kids ages 4-6th grade can join us for a fun and creative three days (9am-noon) of learning about God! Please visit www.vbs.org/mtviewnaz for more information and to register. VBS is FREE for all kids!
Social Media
- You can keep up to date with all the events and happenings of our kids ministry at our Facebook Page. Hit us up at https://www.facebook.com/mvcnazkids
- Great kids ministry doesn’t happen without the help of awesome volunteers! If you have an interest in investing in the church’s greatest asset, please contact Pastor Quincy to see how you can get involved.
- Email: quincywilliams@mvcnaz.org
- Phone: 208-337-3151 (Church Office)